What is Twitter?


Twitter is one of the largest social networks, it is the buzz generator & people often visit for breaking
news and updates. It involves the highly engaged environment in the forms of the short and sweet
tweet being not more than 140 characters.


Twitter Statistics :


Total Number of Monthly Active Twitter Users: 328 million

Total Number of Tweets sent per Day: 500 million

Percentage of Twitter users on Mobile: 80%

Number of Twitter Daily Active Users: 100 million


Twitter Sign Up Process :


You can join Twitter by following easy steps through this Link – https://twitter.com/signup


Twitter Marketing Strategies :



  • Use Twitter search to find the influencer in your field and interact with them by following, liking & sharing their tweets.


  • Tweets regularly with the proper scheduling.


  • Ask your followers for the retweet, favorite & like your tweets.


  • Mention your influencer or customer in related tweets.


  • Look at the trending topics and hashtags and tweet in a way to make a relevant connection to your brand.


  • Use photos & videos in your tweets.


  • Make Tweets Conversational.


  • Research your competitor Twitter Profile.


  • Offer best deals & discounts to your followers.


  • Monitor your tweet activity with Twitter Analytics.


If you find any query regarding the Complete Guide to Twitter Marketing, feel free to ask through the comment section, you can also reach me through contact us form.

All the best.